Co-Vo Fundamentals > The Balanced Onset
The Balanced Onset
This workout is part of the March 2025 Vocal Cord Balance Series, that includes: The Balanced Onset (Mar. 3), The Balanced Offset (Mar. 10), and Focused Singing (Vocal Cord Closure) (Mar. 24). Save 20% by registering for the full series!
When you start singing a phrase, do you ever feel like your first note doesn’t come out cleanly? Maybe it starts with a little breathiness, a slight delay, or even a small “blip” of tension. How can we begin each initial note with stability and precision, what some would call “the perfect attack”?
This 45-minute vocal workout—delivered live, via Zoom—will provide an introduction to the balanced onset: the way you initiate your vocal sound at the beginning of a phrase. Vocal exercises will teach you about:
The three types of vocal onset: soft (aspirated), hard (glottal), and balanced
Why the word “attack” can reinforce imbalanced coordination
What happens (or should happen) at the level of the torso and the vocal cords during onset
Common onset faults, and how to avoid them
Remember, practice makes permanent. To help train your balanced onset, we invite you to repeat this workout often. Every Balanced Onset workout is different, while focusing on the same set of fundamental skills.
Date: Monday, March 3, 2025
Time: 6:45-7:30 PM (PT)
Cost: $25 ($60 for the 3-workout Vocal Cord Balance Series)
(Discounted multi-session passes available)
Level: All levels
Video replay available! All registration-based Co-Vo workouts are recorded. Within 24 hours of the live event, all registrants will receive a link to the workout recording, which will remain accessible for unlimited viewing for the 30 days following the live event date (PT).
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3. Multi-class pass holders: On the final Order Summary screen, choose the "+" sign next to "Package, gift, or coupon code" and enter your code before you PAY & CONFIRM