Spotlight Seminars > Resonance: A Singer’s Guide

Resonance: A Singer’s Guide

Have you ever wondered:

  • Why a single singer can be heard over a full orchestra?

  • Why some vowels seem particularly helpful at certain pitches?

  • Why “ah” is such a difficult vowel to balance?

  • What “ring” or “ping” or “squillo” in a voice actually is?

In your singing, would you like to find:

  • Extra volume for free? An internal microphone?

  • A resonant version of every vowel on every pitch?

  • Consistent resonance that will help your voice carry, without pushing breath pressure?

Resonance: A Singer’s Guide is a 2-hour seminar and accompanying vocal exercise routine—delivered live, via Zoom—that will address these issues, to provide you with a practical understanding of:

  • The five elements of the classical singer’s open throat

  • Different types of overtones (formants & harmonics) and how they interact

  • How vowel quality affects resonance

  • What chiaroscuro (i.e., dark/bright) timbre means, and how to achieve it

As a singer who was formerly bewildered by the subject of vocal acoustics, but who has finally brought mental order to the chaos, Julia will present concepts in a clear, straightforward, and digestible manner. No advanced mathematics degree necessary!

The seminar includes:

  • 90 minutes of interactive presentation by Dr. Julia Nielsen, including opportunities for discussion among participants

  • 30 minutes of singing vocal exercises related to exploring vocal resonance (participants remain muted)

  • Ample time for Q&A

  • Extensive seminar materials, delivered electronically, including handouts and the notated vocal exercises

  • Unlimited access to a video of the seminar for 30 days after the live event (through April 25 PT)


Date: Saturday, March 25, 2023
Time: 10:00am–12:00pm (PT)
Cost: $80

Level: All levels

Recording available! A recording of the seminar will be available for one month after the live event (through April 25, 2023) for those who cannot or did not attend in real time, or who wish to review the program.


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