Co-Vo Fundamentals > The Vowel Rainbow

The Vowel Rainbow

Just like different colors represent different frequencies of light being reflected, different vowels represent different frequencies of sound being resonated. And just like there are many shades of blue (pastel, cobalt, turquoise, midnight, navy, neon, cornflower…), vowels come in many shades as well.

In this 45-minute vocal workout—delivered live, via Zoom—you will explore the entire spectrum of vowels, conceiving of the vowel chart as a rainbow. Through vocal exercises, you will learn:

  • What technical factors make a vowel “bright” or “dark”

  • How to “slide down” both sides of the rainbow (from AH to EE—central to front vowels; and from AH to OO—central to back vowels)

  • What a vowel formant is

  • The definition of vowel modification, and when it is necessary

Remember, practice makes permanent. To improve your understanding of vowels, and your ability to produce them intelligibly and modify them appropriately, we invite you to repeat this workout often. Every Vowel Rainbow workout is different, while focusing on the same set of fundamental skills.


Dates: Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Time: 6:45-7:30 PM (PT)
Cost: $15
(Discounted multi-session passes available)

Level: All levels

Recording available! All registration-based Co-Vo workouts are now recorded. Within 24 hours of the live event, all registrants will receive a link to the workout recording, which will remain accessible for unlimited viewing for the 14 days following the live event date (PT).


To register for this session, first verify your time zone and click the "Set time zone" button. A calendar will then appear with available dates in bold. Choose desired date and click "Continue" to proceed. (The "Redeem Coupon" button is only for those using a multi-session pass.)