Co-Vo Fundamentals > Middle Register
Middle Register
A resonant, well-coordinated middle voice is a cornerstone of any singer’s vocal technique. Yet, many singers experience difficulties on these middle notes (around F/G3 to D/E4 for tenors and basses, F/G4 to D/E5 for sopranos and altos), such as lack of resonance or power, and inconsistent intonation. Moreover, many singers who struggle with their high notes are unaware that their coordination challenges actually begin in the middle register.
This 45-minute vocal workout—delivered live, via Zoom—will explore solutions for common vocal issues in the middle register, providing tips for finding optimal:
Laryngeal position, including the laryngeal tilt
Vocal fold closure (“focus” or “clarity”)
Resonance (“ping” or “ring”)
Vocal weight
Jaw function in text
Remember, practice makes permanent. To improve your middle register, we invite you to repeat this workout often. Every Middle Register workout is different, while focusing on the same set of fundamental skills.
Next offered: Monday, Aug. 19, 2024
Time: 6:45-7:30 PM (PT)
Cost: $20
(Discounted multi-session passes available)
Level: All levels
Recording available! All registration-based Co-Vo workouts are recorded. Within 24 hours of the live event, all registrants will receive a link to the workout recording, which will remain accessible for unlimited viewing for the 30 days following the live event date (PT).