Co-Vo Fundamentals > Floor Work for Breath Support

Floor Work for Breath Support

Get out your mat and comfy clothes for this special Co-Vo workout for breath support!

During this 45-minute vocal workout—delivered live, via Zoom—you will be guided through a series of breathing exercises and vocal exercises while lying both face up (knees bent) and face down on the floor. These exercises will help you explore the total body connection that singers use to pace and energize their outflow of air while they sing. Vocal exercises will focus on:

  • Diaphragmatic, costal, and dorsal breathing (inhalation)

  • Balanced lower-body engagement as singing begins (onset)

  • Appoggio: the cooperation between muscles of inhalation and exhalation (support)

Please have an appropriate space available on the floor for this workout. You will need to lie on a flat surface (e.g., not a couch or a bed), with something 2-3 inches tall to support your head—a firm pillow, a folded towel, one large book, or a small stack of books can all work. (You will not have your head flat on the floor, as this will take your head and larynx out of alignment.)


Next offered: Monday, September 9, 2024
Time: 6:45-7:30 PM (PT)
Cost: $20
(Discounted multi-session passes available)

Level: All levels

Recording available! All registration-based Co-Vo workouts are recorded. Within 24 hours of the live event, all registrants will receive a link to the workout recording, which will remain accessible for unlimited viewing for the 30 days following the live event date (PT).


1) Click the BOOK button
2) Fill in your information, and select CONTINUE TO PAYMENT
3) Multi-class pass holders: On the final Order Summary screen, choose the "+" sign next to "Package, gift, or coupon code" and enter your code before you PAY & CONFIRM